Friday, August 12, 2005

West Virginia Senate Race

It is one of the goals of this website to provide comprehensive coverage of the political advertisements for national office that are run during the 2006 campaign cycle. Last week, the National Republican Senatorial Committee began a two-week run of this ad, the first of that cycle. Entitled "Change", the ad criticizes Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) for having become more liberal since being first elected to the Senate in 1952. Donations to the NRSC to keep the ad on the air can be made here.

The Byrd campaign responded with an advertisement of its own, blasting "out-of-state special interests" for "running false attack ads". Byrd's ad can be viewed here, and donatations to keep it on the air can be made here.

The nonpartisan provides useful criticism of both ads.


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